-Indriya Adventure Park- experiences

The adventure sport circuit extends over and around a pond where bison come to drink and guests could take a dip under a natural shower where water emerges from a bedrock in a cave to drop into the pond. The circuit comprises of skywalks in three configurations across rope bridges and a circular glass bridge, a pair of zip-lines and a sky cycle, all traversed over a cluster of boulders and the pond with splendid views of the surrounding mountains on all sides.

  • zip lane Munnar bison valley


    Solo or in tandem,go ahead and ride! Safely harnessed to overhead cables and pulleys, surefire adrenalin rush 50 ft above a pond with menacing boulders below, embraced by a scenic landscape - forests and mountains.

  • sky cycle Munnar

    Sky Cycle

    Harnessed to a safety line guests ride a bicycle tethered to an overhead cable, along another cable strung beneath. The thrill here is to be able to maintain one’s balance in the course of this ride - equilibrium.

  • glass bridge Bison Valley Munnar

    Glass Bridge

    Untethered, get across u-shaped void through a floor of glass beneath your feet, a proverbial leap, across a pond fringed by menacing boulders, wrapped in beautiful views of the surrounding landscape.

  • plank walk Munnar

    Plank Walk

    This is an adventure that tests one’s sense of balance mentally and physically, crossing a stretch of longitudinally aligned wooden planks tethered to a rope bridge over the backwater.

  • log to log walk Munnar

    Log to Log Walk

    It takes courage to walk across the narrow ends of logs of differing lengths arrayed in a line and tethered to a rope and another as an overhead support, requires balance, muscle co-ordination and body awareness.

  • kalladanthy natural cave Munnar kerala


    A cluster of three natural caves named the Kalladanthy Natural Caves with a length of 200 metres and a gentle little stream within, opt to stay in a cave home for the night by requesting the management for additional facilities

  • bison valley natural pond munnar

    Bison Natural Pond and a Coracle

    Share the pond where bison drink, take a dip under a natural shower or float across on a coracle taking in the serene beauty of the surroundings serenaded by the sounds of nature.

  • spice walk Munnar

    Spice Walk

    Take a slow walk into nature, a short trek, into a lush tropical spice plantation with dappled light, mystery laden plants and the sound of exotic birds to guide you through a winding trail.

  • rain dance Munnar

    Rain Dance

    A separate space has been constructed, provided with music and rain showers should guests opt to dance to the throb of pulsating music, cooled by the mountain air and the showers of fresh water.

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